Thoroughly disgusted.
Y'all, I have GOT to stop shopping at the same stores as my mother.
Yesterday Spawn and I hit the mall in search of something for me to wear for Easter. Hitting the mall with Spawn is exhausting all by itself, but you throw in a comprehensive search for suitable churchwear that meets the criteria of a casually attired, pushing-40 but still in good shape mom of one, and you've got yourself a recipe for collapse.
My preferred mode of dress has a lot more to do with jeans and flipflops than it does with plunging necklines, and since there is no way in hell I'm going to appear in public dressed in a slip dress made of Pucci-style print fabric... I pretty much bombed out. Designers these days must be on some sort of extended acid trip.
I have no idea where women my age shop for clothes. I mean, I see a lot of women in my age bracket who look fantastic, and they're not wearing what everyone else is wearing, nor do they look alike. They wear their clothes, not the other way around.
I sought refuge in the one store I was certain I could find something in -- Talbots. And I bought a really nice suit, on sale, that will work both for church and for work. I look like I can kick some serious ass in that suit. No, really. All I need is a briefcase and some Ferragamo pumps. And because I'm always in search of things to wear with jeans, I bought a couple of knit tops. I was feeling pretty good about it, too, until I got my purchases home and discovered that my mother had bought one of the exact same tops for herself.
I am mightily resisting turning into my mother in so many ways, and yet here I am mimicking her fashion sense. No wonder I'm depressed.
-- Mox
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