Friday, February 9, 2007

Photo Friday: R.I.P....?

I received word this morning that my neighbor lady passed away yesterday.

I am uncertain as to how I feel about that news.

While I am most definitely sympathetic to her husband and son, who will most likely feel quite lost without her, personally I don't know that I will miss her all that much.

You see, she was one of those neighbors.

Every neighborhood has at least one of those neighbors, the kind who are up in your business far too much, who spew vitriol on every subject, who will corner you and talk your ear off, who will talk about you behind your back. The kind you will duck behind a tree to avoid. When you have to erect a privacy fence between your two yards just to avoid feeling like an animal on display at the zoo, you start to wonder about the sanity of a neighbor who just stands in her driveway, staring and chittering away at you. Conclusion: losing it. The retaliatory cutting down of a tree so she can stand in an upstairs window and watch you over the fence will cause you to wonder how tall can you make that fence.

When we bought our house ten years ago, our neighbors were quite elderly then. We knew this day would come eventually. At a certain point we began to wonder how long "eventually" would take. Some old people seem to be too ornery to die.

But because I was raised to be a Proper Southern Woman, I will go to the funeral home and pay my respects anyway. And then maybe, finally, there will be some peace in our neighborhood.

-- Mox

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