From the "Things I Don't Get" File:
What is so all-fired sexy about Justin Timberlake?
And if he's bringing sexy back then where has it been all this time?
I'm taking this as further evidence that I am getting older and further out of touch. But in my estimation the boy needs to 1) grow a pair, 2) shave his neck, and 3) bathe.
As a matter of fact, I see a lot of junior celebrities who could use a good hose-down.
A few years ago while waiting at the salon for a haircut, I picked up a People magazine. At that point I had been buried in diapers and children's videos for a couple of years, and I was shocked to find that I had no idea who three-fourths of the people listed in the magazine were. So now I try to keep up, at least marginally, with pop culture. And because now I am an embittered old crone whose days in the sun are far behind her, I find myself more often than not shaking my head over what passes as "sexy" these days. Apparently filthy appearance is the New Sexy.
Didn't the grunge look die with Curt Cobain? (Aha! I know who he was!)
I find myself longing for the Golden Age of Hollywood, not so much because I was around back then (because I wasn't, thankyouverymuch) but because back then when the celebrities stepped out they were decently dressed and clean. Their hair was combed. There were no "wardrobe malfunctions." No one came in looking like they'd just done a hundred hard miles in the heat, on foot, wearing clothes picked up off the floor in their skank apartment.
Maybe this is why I can't find decent clothes to wear, because fashion emulates pop culture.
I don't get it. I don't get why anyone would want to cultivate a look that suggests someone coming off a three-day drunk.
Which brings me back to my original point: I don't understand what is so all-fired sexy about Justin Timberlake. And if this is what passes as sexy these days then apparently my ovaries have already dried up.
-- Mox
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