Friday, March 9, 2007

Photo Friday: picking and choosing

Here is what $7 will buy at a used book sale:

Eleven books, plus two others not pictured here because they are gifts. All of these are MINE.

The nice thing about being on the inside of this book sale is that kids and parents get to shop first, before it's opened to the general public on Saturday and Sunday. You wouldn't believe the stack of books Spawn got for a mere $8, some of which were my favorites as a child. And I couldn't believe I got both Steinbeck and Hemingway for 50¢ apiece. In hardback. And as I'm always looking to expand my (still non-existent) library with works that have stood the test of time, I snapped those up pretty quick.

The hardest thing about helping to set up the sale the other day was resisting the urge to set aside a box for books I wanted to purchase. Well, that and the urge to read instead of stack.

In other news, it's going to be 70° here today. The downside of that is I have to be indoors, at work.

If I could pick and choose today, I would choose to be outside in the sunshine with my nose in a book.

-- Mox

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