Veni. Vidi. Vici.
There is a reason I do not write haiku. This reason has less to do with my ability than it has to do with my verbosity. And while it's obvious that my verbosity does know a few boundaries (because I could really write reams but I choose not to, I am a ruthless on-the-spot editor), I nonetheless hate the idea of the restrictiveness of a haiku. I like lots of exposition in a story, and that's probably because I grew up listening to and reading lots of southern storytellers who can paint some pretty vivid pictures with their words.
However, John over at Disappearing John RN tagged me last week to do a meme called Six Word Stories. And because I value the thoughtfulness of a link, and I also don't want him to think I am ignoring his request because he has been nothing but nice to me... I am going to try it, by god.
And I just want to go on record for saying this was HARD.
Purse snatched; Grandma chased; embarrassed thief.
Late bedtime; early rising; grumpy child.
There you have it, nine words that have summed up the goings on around here. A coworker offended another coworker with her (probably too-blunt) assessment of the second coworker's perfume. A string of purse-snatchings in which one of the (elderly) victims gave chase and summarily thwarted and embarrassed the snatcher. (Don't mess with Grandma's purse, is all I'm saying.) And a pattern that we have fallen into as of late around the Mox household, whereupon Spawn stays up entirely too late and then gets up in the morning for school with the demeanor of a bear.
It's all fun and games around here, folks.
I'm not in the habit of tagging others for memes, but since I also would like to share the pain, I think I will tag Brooke (who is a honest-to-god real writer who also oddly enough hasn't written anything on her blog in a few days), Mark (because I am jealous of his tropical locale), Mike (and I am expecting something very clever from him, no pressure, though), Jas (because he will rise to the occasion as only he can) , Snagley (who has admitted to a blogging dry spell as of late), and Bridegroom (who needs a good excuse to post, anyway).
Go egg them on. Or, you know, just egg them. Whatever gets the job done.
-- Mox