Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Spawn, Version 6.0

I have decided that Six is a perfect age. Of course Five was perfect, and so was Four, and for that matter, Three, Two, and One. But all for different reasons.

Six, so far, has been all about being Big and taking some Responsibility. Oh, we've got a long way to go in that vein, sure, but to have Spawn make the bed and get dressed in the morning without too much prompting from me -- my friends, that is golden as far as I'm concerned.

We are currently in Day Two of "Now that I am Six..." like it's the most important thing to be, more important, even, than being President or curing cancer. And I love the naivete of that. We made a big deal of the birthday yesterday, sending flowers and a balloon, giving gifts, taking Spawn around and making sure to tell everyone who would listen that it was Spawn's Big Day. I think that everyone should feel special on their birthday, and for someone who is Six that is not a hard task.

In a fit of nostalgia, I have been going through all of the old photos from six years in the making, watching Spawn grow and change all over again. Just remembering everything that the kid has had to learn in six years is daunting, and amazing. We all start out the same, helpless, and we all learn to walk and talk and think for ourselves. Isn't that incredible?

I realize that we don't have too many more years of Spawn thinking that Mom and Dad are The Shit, so right now I am soaking it all up and enjoying every minute. Even those minutes that aren't so enjoyable. It all goes so fast.

-- Mox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday to Spawn...we share a birthday!