Friday, January 26, 2007

Photo Friday: Chawklit

I like sweets just as much as the next person, but I can also live for quite a long while without them. They are not normally my downfall, because I don't feel like a failure, diet-wise, if I give in to the temptation once in a while.

Here lately my craving has been for chocolate. Now, I am a chocolate snob of the first order, and I much prefer the pricey stuff over the stuff you can buy at any corner get-n-go. But I am also not ashamed to go slumming with the cheap stuff, and when a craving hits I will eat a handful of Hershey kisses and not bat an eye. I'm not too proud.

It occured to me last night that while I did very well watching what I ate and getting good exercise during the holidays, and therefore entered the new year with none of the guilt that a lot of people do (which causes them to make unrealistic resolutions), I had since slacked off and consequently have been feeling like a giant slug. Clearly, something must be done.

And as long as I can do it with a bar of chocolate in my hand, so much the better.

-- Mox

1 comment:

MarkD60 said...

chocolate is some damn good stuff, and as far as candy goes, it's pretty good for you too. I think you could live on a diet of nothing but chocolate for quite a long time